Colección: TEMAS

Temas Cantidad
20-hydroxyecdysone, hemocyte, in vitro, Galleria mellonella, insect1
ARIES-ST fusion reactor, molten salt, fissile fuel breeding.1
Acari, Stigmaeidae, Eustigmaeus erciyesiensis, developmental stages1
Accelerated discoloration, wood finishing technology, wood stains,ageing, discoloration, xeonan arc lights1
Acute toxicity; Guppy; Temephos; Bioassay; Organophosphorus insecticide¸ Behavioral changes1
Adaptive Algorithms, CDMA, Smart Antennas, Third Generation (3G) Systems1
Adsorption, nitrogen oxides, bentonite, packed column1
Afyon province, aquatic and semiaquatic Heteroptera, fauna.1
Age, Food Preference, Geometric Index of Importance (GII), Rudd (Scardinius erythrophthalmus L., 1758), Bafra Fish Lakes (Tatlı Lake and Gıcı Lake)1
Agelena labyrinthica,venom gland, morphology, histology, light microscopy, SEM1
Ahlat stone, Ignimbrite, Cladding1
Algae, epipelik, epifitik, epilitik, plankton, delice stream1
Alginic acid, membrane, dialysis, permeability, sodium chloride, urea, creatinine1
Amino acid, schiff bases, antibacterial activity, microorganism.1
Anaerobic upflow sludge blanket reactor, Domestic wastewater, Nutrient removal, Second order substrate removal kinetics.1
Analog circuit design, tabu search algorithm,active filter1
Artificial Immune Systems, Genetic Algorithms, Negative Selection, Clonal Selection1
Artificial Neural Network, Absorption heat pump, Lithium bromidewater, thermodynamic properties.1
Bacillus sp., Bacillus thuringiensis, serological identification1
Baer group, Soluble group, Normal closure length1
Bean seedling, heavy metal, grown1
Bearing, vibration, predictive maintenance1
Bernstein polynomials, function spaces, uniform1
Beypazarı, oymaağaç, granite, enclave, petrography1
Building security system, CANModul-592, microcontroller, computer control.1
CO oxidation, catalyst, co-precipitation, low-temperature1
Carburizing, Retained austenite, X-ray diffraction1
Carburizing, residual stress, X-ray diffraction1
Centaurea L., Biological activity1
Cold storage,postharvest diseases,yeast,apple1
Computer aided assembly, assembly sequence generating,subassembly, disassembly, constraints,liaison sequence graph1
Concrete prefabrication, precast building statistics, prefabrication sector1
Conformation analysis, exo,endo,exo,exo-2,3,5,6- tetrabromonorbornane, electronic and structural parameters1
Cooling rate, interstitial free steels, yield strength1
Copolymer, polymer alloys, compatibilizer , mixture, sebs,extrusion.1
Corrosion, brass,copper, zinc, inhibition, benzotriazole, sodium chloride.1
Corrosion, reinforcing steels, fly ashes.1
Coupled shear wall, natural vibration period, finite element method, wide column anology, boundry elenment method1
Crack propagation angle, stress intensity factor, pin joint, fracture1
Density estimation of probability density function, bandwidth selection, cross-validation.1
Diagenesis, reservuar, porosity, permeability, salt lake1
Difference equations, two-point boundary value problem, sensitivity1
Direct determination, Copper, UV-VIS spectrophotometry, Thiosemicarbazide.1
Doppler signal, spectral analysis, power spectrum density, sonogram, stenosis, occlusion1
Drying, convection dryer, pumpkin, mathematical modelling, regression analysis1
Emissions, fluidized bed, limestone1
Environment, ecology, sustainable architecture1
Finger joint, pine, beech, sessile oak, tensile strength.1
Fish Fauna , Dipsiz-Çine Stream, Muğla-Aydın,Turkey1
Fuel blends, kerosene, fueloil, diesel engine1
Fuel cells, hydrogen, state of the art, technological developments, modelling1
Furniture Industry, Human Resources, Higher Education1
Furniture, furniture construction, rail to leg joints, corner block.1
Fuzzy logic controller, cathodic protection, microcontroller1
Gastropoda, Bivalvia, freshwater, the Black Sea Region.1
Glass fibre reinforced plastic, tensile test, material Properties,short coupon1
Grain Size Distribution, Sedimentation, Laser Diffraction Method1
Graph theory, branch and bound technique, travelling salesman problem, facilities, layou1
HCCI engine, engine performance, exhaust emmisions1
Hall mobility, dislocation scattering, Kubo formula1
Hofmann-Td-type-complexes;3,4-lutidine, Ir and Raman spectra1
Hot gas engine, thermal compressor, bush engine, Ericson engine1
Hypothermia, thermoelectric, brain trauma, mortality rate1
Interface states, temperature dependent, oxide layer, I-V characteristics1
Ising model, finite-size scaling theory, cellular automata1
Key Words Ankara River Algae, Bacillariophyta, Chlorophyta, Cyanophyta, Euglenophyta, Pollution1
Key Words: APEX, Liquid First Wall, Fusion Technology, MCNP1
Key Words: Acari, Trombidiidae, Johnstoniana, new record, Turkey1
Key Words: Acute toxicity; Revetment, stability, limit-state, reliability, risk, uncertainty.1
Key Words: Adsorption, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Pumice stone, Immobilization1
Key Words: Aloe vera, nerium oleander, antimicrobial activity, xanthine oxidase, cyclosporine.1
Key Words: Alternative engines, elliptic engine, internal combustion engine1
Key Words: Automobile, serial communication, cable, component1
Key Words: Bayesian variable selection, prior distribution, Gibbs sampling, Markov Chain Monte Carlo, outlier values, entropy1
Key Words: Bioindicator, global pollution monitoring, imposex, organotin compounds, tributyltin (TBT)1
Key Words: Brain equivalent tissue, RF absorption, GSM, Phantom model1
Key Words: Brake Performance Test, Brake Test Methods, Stopping Distance1
Key Words: CSSES-module and ring, QF-ring, Kasch ring, CEP-ring, semiperfect module and ring, CF-ring1
Key Words: Calibration, Weighting, auxiliary information, regression estimator1
Key Words: Classification, Discriminant Analysis, Data Envelopment Analysis, multiple criteria decision making, efficiency1
Key Words: Compressive strength, size effect, standard cylindrical and cubic specimen1
Key Words: Development Plans, Sustainable City Plans, Livable-Green Cities, Ecology and City Planning1
Key Words: Drought stress, metabolic, mechanic and oxidative changes, tolerance mechanisms1
Key Words: Eigen-values, spectral singularities, principal function1
Key Words: Electric field, Liver, Lung, Lipid peroxidation, Antioxidant enzyme, Artificial Neural Network1
Key Words: Electric power systems, electromagnetic compatibility, disturbances1
Key Words: Electrode extension distance, Submerged arc welding, Mechanical properties1
Key Words: Fish, Sarcoplasmic Proteins, SDS-PAGE, Taxonomy1
Key Words: GMAW process, Controlled atmosphere, Heat affected zone toughness1
Key Words: GPS, Stop and Go, Electronic tacheometry, Coordinate differences1
Key Words: High speed end milling, CBN, flank wear, AISI D31
Key Words: ICP-OES, honey, heavy metal, Kayseri1
Key Words: Inductor simulation, Opamp, OTA, CC, GIC, Operational devices1
Key Words: Industrial accidents, furniture, small-sized firms1
Key Words: Industrial districts, regional development, innovativeness, SME network1
Key Words: Injection molding, Flow analysis and simulation, Melt flow, Finite control volume method1
Key Words: Injection moulds, cost estimation, computer aided cost calculation1
Key Words: Item nonresponse, Questionnaire effects, Respondent effects1
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