Repositorios Cantidad
Acta Botánica Croática2
African Journal Of Information & Communication Technology8
Al-Qantara: Revista de estudios Árabes30
Alamtourism: Journal of Tourism, Culture and Territorial Development3
Anales Cervantinos7
Anuario Musical29
Anuario de estudios americanos38
Archivo Español de Arte63
Australian and New Zealand Maritime Law Journal1
BMGN - Low Countries Historical Review2020
Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association42
Canadian Journal of Comumunication31
Canadian Journal of Higher Education38
Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology36
Central Asian Journal of Global Hearth29
Comparative Philosophy5
Computacional and structural biotechnology journal5
Control Theory and Informatics1
Cuadernos de Matemática y Mecánica16
Digital Access to Scholarship at Harvard
EJCSIT: Electronic journal of computer science and information technology10
Educate: the journal of doctoral research in education85
Eidos: revista de filosofía de la Universidad del Norte1
Electronic communications in probability2
Electronic journal of health informatics2
Electronic journal of probability2
Engineering Design Graphics Journal24
Europe's Journal of Psychology25
European Journal of Business and Management16
European Journal of Law Technology4
Evidence based Library and Information practice22
Extravío: revista electrónica de literatura comparada1
Gazi University Journal of Science29
Gnosis: journal of Philosphy2
Greek, roman and byzantine studies128
Hispania sacra3
Hispania: revista española de historia12
Innovative systemas design and engineering8
International journal about parents in education1
International journal of communication37
International journal of evaluation and research in education1
Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences14
Open access journal of medicinal and aromatic plants1
Psicoperspectivas: individuo y sociedad1
Revista Brasileira de Ecoturismo21
Revistas UNAM4
TELKOMNIKA: Indonesian journal of electrical engineering47