Repositorios Cantidad
Acta Botánica Croática77
Acta Scientiarum. Agronomy432
Acta Scientiarum. Education46
Acta Scientiarum. Techonology288
Addicition & Health18
Advanced Electromagnetics5
Advances in Electrical and Electronic Engineering488
Advances in Natural Science46
Advances in Petroleum Exploration and Development20
African Journal Of Information & Communication Technology41
Al-Qantara: Revista de estudios Árabes63
Alamtourism: Journal of Tourism, Culture and Territorial Development36
American Journal of Business and Management22
American Journal of Human Ecology12
American Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences14
American Society for Aesthetics Graduate E-journal18
Anales Cervantinos50
Anglia Ruskin University 217
Anuario Musical37
Anuario de estudios americanos84
Archivo Español de Arte128
Asia Journal of Global Studies26
Australasian Journal of Victorian Studies37
BMGN - Low Countries Historical Review1850
BRAIN: Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience65
Bifröst: Journal of Social Science14
Biodiversity Informatics10
Bolivian Studies Journal17
Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association74
CINEJ Cinema Journal24
Calico Journal12
Canadian Journal of Comumunication193
Canadian Journal of Higher Education94
Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology255
Colombian Applied Linguistics Journal102
Comparative Philosophy17
Computacional and structural biotechnology journal8
Craft design inquiry14
Cuadernos de Matemática y Mecánica7
Cultural Studies Review185
Design and Technology Education: an international journal147
Digital Access to Scholarship at Harvard
Directory of Open Access Journals - DOAJ3601
Disability, CBR and Inclusive Development34
EJCSIT: Electronic journal of computer science and information technology14
Early Modern Culture Online6
Educate: the journal of doctoral research in education109
Eidos: revista de filosofía de la Universidad del Norte45
Electronic communications in probability171
Electronic journal of boundary elements45
Electronic journal of health informatics81
Electronic journal of probability244
Electrónica e Telecomunicações6
Engineering Design Graphics Journal205
Europe's Journal of Psychology208
European Journal of Business and Management235
European Journal of Law Technology37
Evidence based Library and Information practice62
Extravío: revista electrónica de literatura comparada29
Facultad de Ciencias - UNAM112
Gazi University Journal of Science121
Gnosis: journal of Philosphy85
Greek, roman and byzantine studies160
HEAL: Humanism envolving through arts and literature78
Hispania sacra78
Hispania: revista española de historia92
Ingeniería e investigación231
Innovative systemas design and engineering117
Intangible capital101
International Journal for Service Learning in Engineering, Humanitarian Engineering and Social Entrepreneurship15
International Journal of Computer Science Letters13
International Journal of Entomological Research6
International journal about parents in education45
International journal of communication383
International journal of power electronics and drive systems22
Iranian Journal of Child Neurology57
Journal of Jazz Studies14
Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences131
Materiales de construcción117
McGill University - MCGILL18
Nordic Journal of Information Literacy in Higher Education33
Open access journal of medicinal and aromatic plants23
Psicoperspectivas: individuo y sociedad46
RUA Docencia641
Repositório Acesso Livre à Informação Científica da Embrapa (ALICE)274
Revista Brasileira de Ecoturismo194
Revistas UNAM112
Sri Lankan journal of Anaesthesiology50
TELKOMNIKA: Indonesian journal of electrical engineering183
Universidad Veracruzana98
Universidad de Princenton129
Universidad de los Andes Venezuela47
Universidade Federal de Lavras - UFLA33
Université de Montreal494
Unversidad Nacional de La Plata160
Voices: a world forum for music therapy51
Ágora: Revista do Arquivo Público do Estado de Santa Catarina & Curso de Arquivologia da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina290