Repositorios Cantidad
Al-Qantara: Revista de estudios Árabes1
Anuario Musical3
BC Studies2
CCD: Cultura, ciencia, deporte3
CINEJ Cinema Journal1
Canadian Acoustics3
Canadian Journal of Comumunication34
Canadian Journal of Higher Education15
Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology5
Computacional and structural biotechnology journal1
Digital Access to Scholarship at Harvard
Disability Studies Quarterly5
Educate: the journal of doctoral research in education5
Europe's Journal of Psychology1
European Journal of Business and Management10
European Journal of Humour Research1
European Journal of Law Technology1
Informal logic1
Information and knowledge management2
Ingeniería y desarrollo1
Intellectual Discourse4
International Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences2
International journal of communication10
International journal of evaluation and research in education2
Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences3
Recent Research in Science and Technology2
Revistas UNAM1
TELKOMNIKA: Indonesian journal of electrical engineering1
The International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning3