Repositorios Cantidad
Acta Médica Costarricense2
Addicition & Health8
Advances in Life Science and Technology2
Advances in Physics Theories and Applications4
Advancing Information Technology Research3
Advancing Nursing Research6
Al-Qantara: Revista de estudios Árabes1
Alamtourism: Journal of Tourism, Culture and Territorial Development1
Altre Modernità: Rivista di studi letterari e culturali1
Amazônica - Revista de Antropologia6
Ambiente & Educação: Revista de Educação Ambiental1
American Society for Aesthetics Graduate E-journal2
Anuario Musical3
Asian Journal of Biodiversity3
Asian Journal of Bussiness and Governance5
Asian Journal of Health6
Asian biomedicine: research reviews and news2
BC Studies1
BMGN - Low Countries Historical Review2
Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association3
CCD: Cultura, ciencia, deporte5
CINEJ Cinema Journal1
CLIMEP – Climatologia e Estudos da Paisagem1
Canadian Acoustics1
Canadian Journal of Comumunication126
Canadian Journal of Higher Education12
Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology16
Central Asian Journal of Global Hearth1
Computacional and structural biotechnology journal8
Computer Science Master Research1
Control Theory and Informatics1
Craft design inquiry2
Cuadernos de Matemática y Mecánica3
Cultural Studies Review1
Democratic Communiqué2
Design and Technology Education: an international journal1
Developing country studies11
Digital Access to Scholarship at Harvard
Disability Studies Quarterly17
Diálogos: educacionais em revista17
Edma 0-6: Educación matemática en la infancia5
Educate: the journal of doctoral research in education7
Educação, Formação & Tecnologias1
Eidos: revista de filosofía de la Universidad del Norte1
Electronic journal of health informatics1
Engineering Design Graphics Journal17
Europe's Journal of Psychology6
European Journal of Business and Management45
European Journal of Law Technology7
Evidence based Library and Information practice22
Future studies research journal: trend and strategies2
Greek, roman and byzantine studies2
HEAL: Humanism envolving through arts and literature2
Industrial Engineering Letters7
Informal logic2
Information and knowledge management11
Information technology and control1
Ingeniería y desarrollo3
Innovative systemas design and engineering3
Intellectual Discourse5
International Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences5
International affairs and global strategy1
International journal about parents in education6
International journal of cloud computing and services science2
International journal of communication22
International journal of evaluation and research in education2
International journal of informatics and communication technology1
International journal of information and network security1
International journal of power electronics and drive systems1
Iranian Journal of Child Neurology1
Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences9
Nordic Journal of Information Literacy in Higher Education9
Recent Research in Science and Technology10
Revista Brasileira de Ecoturismo4
Revista de Derecho de la Pontifícia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso1
Revistas UNAM10
TELKOMNIKA: Indonesian journal of electrical engineering6
The International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning3
Ágora: Revista do Arquivo Público do Estado de Santa Catarina & Curso de Arquivologia da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina4