Título: La Coordinadora del Bajo Lempa como agente del desarrollo local sostenible. Estudio de caso
Autores: Dávila Medina, María Inés
Fecha: 2013-09-16
Publicador: Institucional de la Universidad de El Salvador
Tipo: Thesis
Tema: 301 Sociología y antropología
304 Interacción social
305 Grupos sociales
Descripción: En el Bajo Lempa Oriental y Bahía de Jiquilisco las comunidades han impulsado un proceso de integración de esfuerzos, conformando la Coordinadora del Bajo Lempa y Bahía de Jiquilisco con el propósito de transformar la base productiva agropecuaria, fortalecer la organización social y recuperar el medio ambiente. En este sentido, también fundaron la Asociación Local Mangle para la Mitigación de Desastres y el Desarrollo en el Bajo Lempa – Bahía de Jiquilisco, como un instrumento para la gestión de recursos humanos, tecnológicos y financieros, a través del cual se han ejecutado proyectos productivos, sociales, ambientales y de construcción de infraestructura familiar y comunitaria. Este documento analiza este proceso desde la percepción de las organizaciones que integran la Coordinadora, también se evaluan las capacidades desarrolladas por la Coordinadora para el manejo de los ecosistemas y para enfrentar los impactos del cambio climático, finalmente se identifican los factores endógenos y exógenos que han condicionado el desarrollo de esta zona. ABSTRACT Oriental Bajo Lempa and Jiquilisco Bay is a place known for its important ecosystem process, besides that, it is considered as the high risk zone due to flooding and drought. In this place, communities have motivated a process of effort’s integration, and have constituted the Coordinator of Bajo Lempa and Jiquilisco Bay, by the intention to transform the farming productive base, to reinforce social organization and to recover the environment. In this way, they have also established Mangle Local Association to Mitigate Disasters and to Manage Development in Bajo Lempa – Jiquilisco Bay, an instrument to manage human, technological and financial resources, through which they have executed productive, social, environment and construction of familiar and community buildings. This situation has been the departure point to investigate the Coordinator’s practice since sustainable local development perspective, study that have had as objectives: to analyze perception of Coordination organizations about their own process, to assess capacity developed by Coordinator in ecosystem management and to face the climate change impacts, and to identify internal and external factors that state the development in this place. So, the strategy of investigation was understanding-explaining, that imply further of studying phenomenon description and orientates to explain the phenomenon causes and conditional factors, for that, it started from daily people knowledge, by supporting about quality and quantity investigation techniques. After that, dates were systematized to understand the local social process. From this investigation, it was bounded the Oriental Bajo Lempa and Jiquilisco Bay zone as object of study, as the territorial scope of the Coordinator action. This area is noted for its scenic beauty and the important role of its wetlands, besides possessing natural resources that allow the survival of human populations, but also appealing to the mainstream tourism industry. From basin approach, it was identified a historical process of transformations in the resources uses, associated to public development strategies, that have had a progressive increment of the vulnerable factors in below basin, effects that Coordinator have tried to mitigate through the local alert system, constructing familiar and community buildings, and productive and environmental projects. The historical conflict between subsistence and enclave groups have influenced a development model with economical and political dynamics opposite, identifying in the Coordinator experience political factors that make possible sustainable local development, but there are economical factors that restrict it.
Idioma: No aplica

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