Título: Patriotic pilgrimages during the Italian liberal period: sites and terminology

Autores: Bagnaresi, Davide; University of Bologna
Fecha: 2011-08-02
Publicador: Alamtourism: Journal of Tourism, Culture and Territorial Development

Tipo: info:eu-repo/semantics/article

Tema: laic pilgrimage; Risorgimento; ossuaries; battlefield

Descripción: The article aims to analyze the phenomenon of "laic pilgrimage": the trips that during the first fifty years of Italian unity, saw the places of memory as the protagonists of the Risorgimento. Specifically will be analyzed the trips to ossuaries, battlefields, monuments and tombs of the fathers of the Nation. The text try to create a map - on a national scale - of the places of pilgrimage divided according to the "users". To different destinations, in fact, correspond different types of pilgrimage, mirrors of Italian political situation of this period.

Idioma: Inglés

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