Título: Els diaris digitals i la interactivitat
Autores: Iglesias García, Mar
Fecha: 2011-07-12
Publicador: RUA Docencia
Tipo: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Tema: Interactivitat
Comunicación Audiovisual y Publicidad
Descripción: This work is focused on the study of digital newspapers interactivity, not considering the electronic versions of written newspapers, assuming that the new newspapers, which don't have neither tradition nor production routines in written communication, can fit better in internet. For the study we have chosen 20 digital newspapers, edited in Spain, and have analysed the presence and use of email, chats, polls and forums, based in the indicators used by Tanjev Schult (2000). These feedback mechanisms help to build reactive (reaction in front an information stimuli) and interactive (real feedback) communication processes, and constitute interactive options. The results show that, even though the big advantages offered by internet in front of traditional media, digital newspapers are under utilising the tools that give the possibility of one of the features with higher relevance and communicative potential of internet: interactivity. Spanish newspapers, the ones that arised for Internet, have not mainly achieved enough maturity, don’t use extensively all the interactivity options they can reach to and continue with the traditional emitter-receiver model. There are several reasons. It could be for a low knowledge of the digital media, or to the low interest for the reader’s opinion. At the same time, economic or technologic limitations don’t seem to be an obstacle for interactivity.
Idioma: Catalán

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