Título: La ciencia y el conocimiento de la verdad
Autores: Agazzi, Evandro
Fecha: 1999
Publicador: De la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. UNAM.
Tipo: Articulo
Tema: Filosofía
Theoría. Revista del Colegio de Filosofía
Antigüedad Clásica
Descripción: //// Abstract: This paper represents a defense of science as true knowledge. From the standpoint of a historical synthesis, comprehending its Greek origins as well as its modern consolidation, the author emphasizes the role of science in Western culture as the most perfect form of knowledge. This consideration, however, is questioned at the beginning of the XXth century with the crisis of exact sciences. The neopositivistic interpretation of science not only did not help to overcome the crisis; in some cases, it had disastrous consequences for science. Hence, there arose a profound mistrust about scientific truth. Following insights stemming from Classical thought and Frege, the author proposes a recuperation of the referential dimension of science as a way to overcome a weak form of truth (logical coherence) and to reclaim the strong conception of truth: adequation of discourse expressing thought to a world of objects which are independent of the mind and language.
Idioma: Español

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