Título: Matrix proof method in annotated paraconsistent logic
Autores: Kaestner, Celso A. A.
Fecha: 2012-11-16
Publicador: Unversidad Nacional de La Plata

Tipo: Objeto de conferencia
Objeto de conferencia
Tema: Paraconsistent Logics
Annotated Logics
Thcorem Proving
Matrix Connection Method
Ciencias Informáticas
Descripción: The matrix connection method (MCM) is an alternative procedure for theorem proving than the usual resolution technique. We already have used the MCM for finding models in a real-time knowledge-based system generator. In this paper, we adapt the MCM to the particular case of sorne annotated propositional paraconsistent logics. Further developments related to these ideas are also outlined.
Eje: 2do. Workshop sobre aspectos teóricos de la inteligencia artificial
Idioma: Inglés