Título: Applying an ontology on data integration
Autores: Buccella, Agustina
Cechich, Alejandra
Brisaboa, Nieves R.
Fecha: 2012-09-25
Publicador: Unversidad Nacional de La Plata

Tipo: Objeto de conferencia
Objeto de conferencia
Tema: Federated Databases
Semantic Heterogeneity
Ciencias Informáticas
base de datos
Descripción: The term “Federated Databases” refers to the data integration of distributed, autonomous and heterogeneous databases. However, a federation can also include information systems, not only databases. When integrating data, several issues must be addressed. Here, we focus on the problem of heterogeneity, more specifically on semantic heterogeneity – that is problems related to semantically equivalent concepts or semantically related/unrelated concepts. In order to address this problem, we apply the idea of ontologies as a tool for data integration. In this paper, we explain this concept and we briefly describe a method for constructing an ontology by using a hybrid ontology approach.
Eje: Bases de datos
Idioma: Inglés