Título: Test automation for Markov Chain Usage Models
Autores: Bettinotti, Adriana M.
Garavaglia, Mauricio
Fecha: 2011-10-27
Publicador: Unversidad Nacional de La Plata

Tipo: Articulo
Tema: test automation; Markov chain usage models; JUMBL; TML, JWebUnit
Ciencias Informáticas
Descripción: Statistical testing with Markov Chain Usage Models is an effective method to be used by programmers and testers during web sites development, to guarantee the software reliability. The JUMBL software works on this models; it supports model construction with the TML language and analysis, tests generation and execution and analysis of tests results. This paper is targeted at test automation for web sites development with JUMBL and JWebUnit.
Idioma: Inglés