Título: Feature extraction for an image retrieving scheme
Autores: Fuertes García, José Manuel
Lucena López, Manuel José
Perez de la Blanca Capilla, Nicolás
Fernández Valdivia, Joaquín
Fecha: 2004-05-12
Publicador: Unversidad Nacional de La Plata

Tipo: Articulo
Tema: color image segmentation; color spaces; image retrieving
Ciencias Informáticas
Procesamiento de imagen
Descripción: In this paper we present two basic modules whithin the designed scheme for retrieving images of a database from the object colour and shape in the scenes. On the one hand, we desing a new method to detect edges in colour images. We offer a new approach to the perceptual space (H,S,I) (an Uniform Chromatic Scale space) About wich we describe its properties as well as the metric to work in it. On the other hand, we develop an information simplifying process to form a graphic structure en wich the image pixels join in similar colour areas. For this, we describe a region growing mechanism with the gradient information given by the edge detector module, together with their division module.
Idioma: Inglés