Título: Oil producing countries' discount rates
Autores: Adelman, Morris Albert
Fecha: 2005-09-15
Publicador: MIT
Tipo: Working Paper
Descripción: The small LDCs which own the great bulk of oil resour- ces are rational agents and calculate with short horizons and high discount rates. They have pre-commitments to spend much (or even more than all) of their incomes, hence behave like highly leveraged corporations. They are also undiversified, hence the risk factors are set not by covariance with a diversified portfolio or sources of income, but rather by the variance of the oil income stream itself. Political risk is additional. High discount rates act both to raise and lower the depletion rate, so the net effect is indeterminate without knowledge of costs, not considered here. High discount rates sharply lower the effective elasticity of demand, and lead to a cartel policy of "take the money and run."
National Science Foundation, SES-8412971 and Center for Energy Policy Research of the M.I.T. Energy Laboratory
Idioma: Inglés

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