Título: Determinación de los costos de energía no suministrada en el sector comercial para el área de concesión de la Empresa Eléctrica Regional Centro Sur. CA.
Autores: Calle García, Víctor Emilio
Guallpa Cañar, Jaime Oswaldo
Fecha: 2010-10-05
Publicador: Universidad Politécnica Salesiana
Tipo: Thesis
Tema: Determinación de los Costos de Energía No Suministrada en el Sector Comercial
Descripción: A modern electrical system requires constant and in many cases great investment, as to keep more efficient quality pointers, we have considered CONELEC as a regulator of this. CONELEC has given rules which make the distributors steadily improve those quality pointers. The same way as CENTROSUR as one of the most accepted distributor in our country has found it is needed an study to know the harm its commercial clients suffer and the economic cost, due to the lack of service they have to go through. This way, CENTROSUR keeps itself as one of the vanguard enterprises in our country. There are different international ways to determine the cost of not supplied energy, but here in our midst there in not a way to take care of it, so the technique used in our study, takes some already internationally used standards as the information available to obtain the very best results to keep as a valid rule to apply it as a method at CENTROSUR. This work is done in four chapters: The first chapter supplies the needed knowledge to understand the used words, the objectives to get to and the regulation which this document is based on. The second chapter analyses the surroundings of the commercial sector, then, it sorts the commercial clients based in their commercial activity and on international rules. It continues checking the causes which created the lack of services and concludes with the amount of not supplied energy apply the regulation standards. The third chapter shows the standards applied to evaluate the ENS, and gives the results both for customers in a general way as for each studied category, ending on a comparative analysis between the auto generation through fuels and the energy sold by the distributor. Lastly, the fourth chapter analyses the gotten results; it appraises the strengths and weekness of the regulations and the method used. It defines the cost the enterprise should assume to be able to find the allowable quality established by the regulation and it also proposes some rules to compensate the customers affected by ENS. The conclusion refers to the development of the investigation which should complement this work as the initiative the distributor agrees to take to CONELEC to get the very best results of the regulations to improve its application.
Idioma: Español

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