Título: Practical Cognitivism
Autores: DallAgnol, Darlei
Fecha: 2008-12-17
Publicador: Ethic@: an international journal of moral philosophy
Tipo: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Tema: Meta-ethics; Moral epistemology; Knowing-how
Descripción: http://dx.doi.org/10.5007/1677-2954.2008v7n2p323This paper advances the main tenets of a new meta-ethical approach to moral problems. I holds that there is moral knowledge and that it is best understood in terms of knowing-how. Moreover, ir presents an analysis of knowing-how and shows that it cannot be reduced to Knowing-that. It distinguishes also moral knowing-how from the other kinds of knowing-how. Finally, it spells out the main advantages of such approach, mainly that it avoids the dilemma of meta-ethics.
Idioma: Portugués