Título: Validation Process for a Social Entrepreneurial Telemedicine Venture in East Africa
Autores: Fleishman, Aaron Julian; Penn State University
Wittig, Julia; Penn State University
Milnes, Jason
Baxter, Andrew
Moreau, Jennifer
Mehta, Khanjan; College of Engineering
Fecha: 2010-05-12
Publicador: International Journal for Service Learning in Engineering, Humanitarian Engineering and Social Entrepreneurship
social entrepreneurial venture
Tema: humanitarian engineering, market validation, social entrepreneurship, telemedicine
Descripción: Mashavu (“chubby-cheeked” in Swahili) is a telemedicine system that connects medical professionals around the world with people in developing communities in East Africa. Mashavu kiosks are computer-based systems that collect medical information including weight, body temperature, lung capacity, pulse rate, blood pressure, stethoscope rhythms, photographs and basic hygiene and nutrition information. Mashavu kiosks transmit this information over a cell-phone link to a secure Internet website. Medical professionals and public health officials can view the patient’s information and respond to the person/operator and the nearest doctor(s) with recommendations. An imperative part of complex product design, especially when working in international contexts, is to gain validation. Validation ensures that the product being designed accurately fits the needs of the population for which it is being designed. The Mashavu team used methodologies from the world of engineering, business, and the social sciences to validate the concept, business plan, technology and usability of the system. This paper discusses the Mashavu venture and the methodologies employed for getting validation and uncovering the "sticky" information related to the East African context that is critical to the design and commercialization of the Mashavu telemedicine system.
Idioma: Inglés

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