Título: Sustainable Building Materials in French Polynesia
Autores: Anderson, John Erik
Meryman, Helena
Porsche, Kimberly
Fecha: 1969-12-31
Publicador: International Journal for Service Learning in Engineering, Humanitarian Engineering and Social Entrepreneurship
Tema: carbon dioxide; coir; French Polynesia; sustainable materials
Descripción: Developing island economies, such as French Polynesia, are heavily reliant on imported goods. Shipping materials around the world is very energy intensive and contributes to global environmental pollution. A system for the local manufacturing of sustainable building materials offers numerous environmental and economic incentives. From a global perspective, reductions in energy demand and pollution generation are major environmental benefits. Local incentives include invigorating the economy, creating jobs, reducing waste, and supporting self-sufficiency. Possible sustainable materials investigated included palm oil fuel ash, cement composites reinforced with coir fiber, recycled plastic products, three-dimensional engineered fiberboard, and local forestry products. Research revealed coir binderless boards to be the most appropriate material to meet design, economic, and sustainability criteria in French Polynesia. A system-wide analysis of carbon dioxide and energy expenditure shows that coir binderless boards are dramatically favorable over existing technologies. In addition, a cost comparison strengthens the argument in favor of the coir binderless board. Finally, an implementation strategy is presented with recommendations for future research.
Idioma: No aplica

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