Título: The Challenge of Including Customer Satisfaction into the Assessment Criteria of Overseas Service-Learning Projects
Autores: George, Camille
Shams, Ashley
Fecha: 1969-12-31
Publicador: International Journal for Service Learning in Engineering, Humanitarian Engineering and Social Entrepreneurship
Tema: assessment criteria; service-learning pedagogy
Descripción: There has been a dramatic increase of student groups participating in international service learning projects. For engineering students it is not difficult to identify meaningful educational objectives. The students improve their analytical and problem solving skills. They design and build something that fulfils a list of engineering specifications; they execute a solution to some problem. However, these projects have a human dimension. Service-learning involves changes in peoples’ beliefs, attitudes and values; impacting both the students and the recipient community. It is important for the academic community to develop assessment criteria that includes perspectives from all stakeholders engaged in the experience. It is imperative to assess not only the technical success but also the sustainability of the project and its larger effect. In courses involving service-learning, assessment needs to occur on three levels: the traditional evaluation of the student’s knowledge of the technical content, the assessment of the experiences impact on the students’ broader more humanistic “soft skills”, and the customer’s satisfaction. The paper examines the obstacles and opportunities in assessing project success from multiple international service-learning programs, and compiles insights and reflections that could serve to inform future projects.
Idioma: No aplica

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