Autores: Trujillo Flores, Mara Maricela; Doctor in Administrative Science at ESCA-IPN (Superior School of Commerce and Administration National Polytechnic Institute) and professor and researcher at ESIQIE-IPN.
Rivas Tovar, Luis Arturo; Doctor in Administrative Science at IPN in Mexico and Dr (c) in European Studies at the Institute of European Studies, Ortega y Gasset University Institute, Spain.
Fecha: 2008-03-31
Publicador: Estudios gerenciales
Tipo: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Emotional intelligence
Interpersonal intelligence
Intrapersonal intelligence
Models of intelligence
Assessment of intelligence
Research centers
Emotional intelligence
Interpersonal intelligence
Intrapersonal intelligence
Models of intelligence
Assessment of intelligence
Research centers
Descripción: El objetivo de este trabajo es mostrar resultados del modelo IE-Martruj, concebido para la medición de la inteligencia emocional de directores de centros de investigación; fue aplicado a cuarenta y tres directores de centros de investigación en México. El proceso de validación y confiabilidad del modelo es descrito en detalle, así como su formulación matemática. Como resultado de esta investigación, se muestra como conclusión general que: El modelo estudiado es un instrumento apropiado para la tarea propuesta, y que la Inteligencia Emocional (IE) de los directores de centros de investigación en México está asociada positivamente con la motivación, la capacidad de autoevaluación, la autorregulación, la empatía y las habilidades sociales. Así mismo, se sometieron a prueba, con resultados positivos, las siguientes hipótesis: H1 - La motivación, iniciativa, optimismo e involucramiento son condiciones que se hallan correlacionadas positivamente con la efectividad del funcionamiento de los directores de centros de investigación. H2 - El autoconocimiento, la conciencia emocional, la auto evaluación precisa y la autoconciencia están positivamente correlacionados entre ellas y son parte esencial de la inteligencia intrapersonal. H3 - La autorregulación exhibida por los directores, su autocontrol, adaptabilidad y autoconciencia están positivamente correlacionados entre sí y también son parte de la inteligencia intrapersonal. H4 - La empatía, la comprensión de los demás, el desarrollo de las competencias de los subordinados, la inclinación al servicio, el manejo de la diversidad y la congruencia política están positivamente correlacionados entre sí y son parte de la inteligencia interpersonal. H5 - Las habilidades sociales de los directores, que también integran la inteligencia interpersonal, les permiten tener mayor influencia sobre el equipo de trabajo, expresada en mayor comunicación, mejor manejo de situaciones conflictivas, y mayor liderazgo, suscitando mejor colaboración, cooperación y habilidades para el trabajo en equipo.
(resumo em inglês)The objective of this paper is to show the results of IE-Martruj, a model designed for measuring emotional intelligence in directors of research centers (RCs), which was applied to 43 directors of research centers in Mexico. The validation model and reliability tests are described in detail, as well as the mathematical formulae used. As a general conclusion of this research, we show that: The model studied is an adequate instrument for the task proposed, and that the Emotional intelligence (EI) of  directors of RCs is positively associated with: motivation, self-assessment, self-regulation, empathy and social skills.  Also, the following hypotheses were tested with positive results: H1 - Motivation, initiative, optimism and involvement are conditions positively correlated with the effectiveness of directors of RCs.H2 – Self knowledge, emotional awareness, precise self evaluation and self awareness are positively correlated with each other, and are essential parts of intrapersonal intelligence.H3 - Self-regulation, self control, adaptability and self awareness are positively correlated with each other, and are also part of intrapersonal intelligence.H4 - Empathy, comprehension of others, development of subordinates’ skills, readiness to serve, capacity to manage diversity, and political coherence exhibited by an RC director are positively correlated with each other, and are part of interpersonal intelligence.H5 Social skills exhibited by directors, that are also part of interpersonal intelligence, allow a director to exert a greater influence on the working group, facilitating communication, conflict management, leadership, collaboration, cooperation and development of team skills.
The objective of this paper is to show the results of IE-Martruj, a model designed for measuring emotional intelligence in directors of research centers (RCs), which was applied to 43 directors of research centers in Mexico. The validation model and reliability tests are described in detail, as well as the mathematical formulae used. As a general conclusion of this research, we show that: The model studied is an adequate instrument for the task proposed, and that the Emotional intelligence (EI) of  directors of RCs is positively associated with: motivation, self-assessment, self-regulation, empathy and social skills.  Also, the following hypotheses were tested with positive results: H1 - Motivation, initiative, optimism and involvement are conditions positively correlated with the effectiveness of directors of RCs.H2 – Self knowledge, emotional awareness, precise self evaluation and self awareness are positively correlated with each other, and are essential parts of intrapersonal intelligence.H3 - Self-regulation, self control, adaptability and self awareness are positively correlated with each other, and are also part of intrapersonal intelligence.H4 - Empathy, comprehension of others, development of subordinates’ skills, readiness to serve, capacity to manage diversity, and political coherence exhibited by an RC director are positively correlated with each other, and are part of interpersonal intelligence.H5 Social skills exhibited by directors, that are also part of interpersonal intelligence, allow a director to exert a greater influence on the working group, facilitating communication, conflict management, leadership, collaboration, cooperation and development of team skills.
Idioma: Inglés

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