Título: Gaminių projektavimas būvio ciklo požiūriu: būvio ciklo vertinimas Lietuvos pramonėje
Life Cycle Based Design and Product Development: Application of LCA to Lithuanian Industry
Autores: STANIŠKIS, Jurgis Kazimieras
Fecha: 2011-01-05
Publicador: Environmental Research, Engineering and Management
Tipo: Peer-reviewed Article
Tema: Life cycle assessment; Eco-design; Cleaner production; Environmental Performance declaration; Lithuania
Environmental Research
Life cycle assessment; Eco-design; Cleaner production; Environmental Performance declaration; Lithuania
Descripción: Pagrindinis straipsnyje aprašyto tyrimo tikslas - pateikti būvio ciklo įvertinimo (BCĮ) principą kaip vieną iš gaminių kūrimo proceso komponentų. Tyrimas atliktas dviem etapais: pirmajame etape BCĮ priemonės taikomos pasirinktų skirtingų pramonės šakų gaminių grupėms, antrajame etape BCĮ rezultatai naudojami gaminio aplinkosauginėms savybėms tobulinti, gaminio ekologinio projektavimo priemonėms taikyti arba gaminių aplinkosauginėms deklaracijoms (GAD) rengti. Straipsnyje pateikti pavyzdžiai rodo, kad įmonėms projektas buvo naudingas skatinant žinių sklaidą ir atvėrė galimybes diegti aplinkosaugines inovacijas praktikoje. Straipsnyje aprašytas naujas būvio ciklo įvertinimo modelis gali būti taikomas daugelyje pramonės įmonių.
The paper is based on some of the results of the project "Implementation of Green Product Development in the Baltic Sea Region and Establishment of Green Company Clusters in Latvia, Lithuania and Russia with Strong Links to Sweden". Life cycle assessment (LCA), as a tool for environmental evaluation of the product system has never been used before in Lithuanian industry. The main goal of this study has been to make an attempt of introducing LCA to the product development process. In the first phase LCA is applied to a selected group of products in different industry sectors. In the second phase the LCA results are used for readjusting the product, its eco-design or its environmental performance declaration development. Despite the limited capacity and lack of incentives, the companies have been satisfied with the project results in terms of the acquired knowledge, particularly in respect to the opportunities for cleaner production innovations. The paper presents a new calculation model used in LCA research, a LCA model of an environmental impact of electricity production in Lithuanian national electricity grid and discusses the experience gained in successful implementation of LCA tools in Lithuanian industry
Idioma: Inglés

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