Título: The Mahler measure of linear forms as special values of solutions of algebraic differential equations
Autores: Ricardo D. Toledano; IMAL-UNL
Fecha: 2008-04-09
Publicador: Cuadernos de Matemática y Mecánica
Tipo: Articles

Tema: No aplica
Descripción: We prove that for each $n\geq 4$ there is an analytic function $F_n(x)$ satisfying an algebraic differential equation of degree $n+1$ such that the logarithmic Mahler measure of the linear form $\lf_n=x_1+\cdots + x_n$ can be essentially computed as the evaluation of $F_n(z)$ at $z=n^{-1}$. We show that the coefficients of the series representing $F_n(z)$ can be computed recursively using the $n$-th. symmetric power of a second order linear algebraic differential equation and we give an estimate on the growth of these coefficients. Published: Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics. Vol.39, 4, 2009, 1323-1338. Link: http://rmmc.asu.edu/rmj/rmj.html
Idioma: Inglés

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