Título: The ‘Return to Home’: The Musical Construction of a Common Trope in New Turkish Cinema
Autores: Hartley, Paul; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Fecha: 2011-10-21
Publicador: CINEJ Cinema Journal
Tipo: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Tema: No aplica
Descripción: This article explores the musical component of a trope common in the films of the New Turkish Cinema. Examining scenes from four films, it outlines the dialectical struggle between the competing foci of identity enacted through the juxtaposition of urban and rural spaces, Eastern and Western socio-cultural signs, and the reclamation of a lost past. Of central importance is the treatment of how the musical scores tends to construct presentations that are paradoxical and often undo the nostalgia of these moments and how this affects the import of these moments in Turkish social life.
Idioma: Inglés