Título: Infill development noise control challenges (and noise modeling limitations) - A case study of a development adjacent highway 401
Autores: Mihalj, C.A.; Marshall Macklin Monaghan Limited, 80 Commerce Valley Drive East, Thornhill Ont. L3T 7N4, Canada
Fecha: 2001-12-01
Publicador: Canadian Acoustical Association / Association canadienne d'acoustique
Fuente: Ver documento
Tipo: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Conference Proceedings
Actes de congrès
Tema: Acoustic noise measurement
Acoustic variables control; Computer simulation; Mathematical models; Noise abatement; Hydro transmission corridor; Infill development noise control; Sound level measurements
Descripción: An overview is given on the development of a residential subdivision within lands that were formerly used as a hydro transmission corridor. The lands located between Highway 401 and Lowcrest Boulevard will consist of twelve two-storey dwelling units fronting on Lowcrest Boulevard, and a stormwater management pond, located between the rear yards and the Highway 401 right-of-way. Key to the approval of the project is a noise control study intended to recommend appropriate outdoor and indoor noise control measures for these lands.
Idioma: Inglés
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