Título: Providing an Effective and Affective Learning Environment for Spanish Phonetics with a Hypermedia Application
Autores: Hwu, Fenfang
Fecha: 2013-01-14
Publicador: CALICO Journal
Fuente: Ver documento
Tipo: info:eu-repo/semantics/article

CALL, computer application, hypermedia, multimedia, phonetics, pronunciation, Spanish phonetics, speech
Descripción: Textbooks and audiocassettes have long been the only devices used to support Spanish phonetics learning even though they are not especially effective in (a) assisting some aspects of Spanish phonetics learning, (b) positively influencing affective variables such as self-confidence and motivation, and (c) reducing cognitive loads required by the multiple encoded language used in the learning process. Without appropriate teaching materials, the instructional focus of Spanish phonetics has been restricted to the intellectual comprehension of the subject. As a result, the essential goal of the course--to encourage and to help students develop a deep understanding of speech--has been overlooked. However, the use of certain features of hypermedia computer technology now makes it possible to create an environment that not only addresses the different needs of students but also helps them to develop an introspective awareness of speech. This writer integrated various features of advanced authoring systems to create the prototype of a Spanish phonetics application. The objectives of this project were to remedy the inadequacy of traditional Spanish phonetics methodology and to meet the various needs of the diverse student population taking Spanish phonetics at the university level.
Idioma: Inglés