Título: Role of Sclerosing Agents in the Management of Early Haemorrhoids
Autores: Yasir Akram
K D Tarar
Z A Chaudry
M Y Ilyas
Mahmood Ayyaz
Muhammad Arshad Cheema
Fecha: 2010-02-27
Publicador: King Edward Medical University
Fuente: Ver documento
Tipo: Peer-reviewed Article
Tema: No aplica
Descripción: Background: Hemorrhoids are common surgical problem all over the world. Various modalities for the treatment of haemorrhoids are available. However, efforts are being made to treat the haemorrhoids as outpatient procedure. Injection Sclerotherapy has been the orthodox treatment for early haemorrhoids. Various sclerosing agents have been used. 5% phenol in almond oil was more commonly used as, sclerosant. We carried out a prospective comparative study comprising the results of Sodium Tetra Decyl Sulphate (STD 3%) and phenol, as sclerosing agents. Methods: Fifty patients having cardinal symptoms of haemorrhoids, 1st and early 2nd degrees were included in the study; divided into two equal groups. The purpose of study was to assess the role of STD 3% (Sodium Tetra-Decyl Sulphate) as sclerosing agent in the treatment of 1st and early 2nd degree haemorrhoids. All the patients were having bleeding symptoms in their presenting complaints. Prolapse was present in 52% patients of "STD group" and in 44% patients of "Phenol Group". A final review by questionnaire was under taken one to six months later. Results: Our results showed an overall success rate of 70% in STD group and 80% in phenol group regarding the control of bleeding and prolapse, which were the cardinal symptoms, in our patients. Conclusion: We concluded that the results of both sclerosing agent were comparable. Both were painless, effective, complication free and can be safely used in outpatient as sclerosant. Key words:  Haemorrhoids, Sclerosant, Sodium Tetra Decyl Sulphate (STD).
Idioma: Inglés