Título: The patient with acute cerebrovascular disorders: assessment of associated diseases.
O doente com acidente vascular cerebral agudo: avaliação da patologia associada.
Autores: Monteiro, J; Serviço de Medicina I e Núcleo de Estudos de Hipertensão Arterial, Hospital de Santa Maria, Faculdade de Medicina de Lisboa.
Ferreira, D
Fonseca, T P
Freitas, A
Melo, T P
Ferro, J
Nogueira, J B
Franco, A S
Mota, E
da Costa, J N
Fecha: 1990-12-31
Publicador: Ordem dos Médicos
Fuente: Ver documento
Tipo: article
Tema: No aplica
Descripción: We performed a prospective study in 106 patients with acute stroke. The main purpose was to evaluate the associated diseases and to determine their prevalence and incidence in two different types of cerebrovascular disease: the intracerebral hemorrhage (HI) and ischaemic events (AI). The studied population included 54 men and 52 women with a mean age of 66.8 +/- 10.3 years. A clinical examination was performed in all patients by different specialists and all were submitted to diverse complementary tests, including a computed tomography scan of the brain (TAC) and an echocardiogram (ECO). We found 24 (23%) HI and 82 (77%) AI. In the past history, previous stroke were more prevalent in AI (p less than 0.01). Heart disease was present in 87 (82%) patients but, among them, only atrial fibrillation which was found in 19 (18%) patients, was significantly more frequent in AI (p less than 0.02). Hypertension (HTA) existed in 79 (75%) patients, respiratory complications and periferic vascular disease in 9 (8%), diabetes in 44 (42%) and dyslipidemia in 31 (29%) patients. No significant difference was found between the two groups of stroke regarding these diseases; however, there was a tendency for HTA and diabetes to be more prevalent in HI and for periferic vascular disease in AI. In the blood tests, high haematocrit was found in 35 (33%) patients, anemia in 21 (20%), hypercholesterolemia in 17 (16%), hypertrigliceridemia in 18 (17%) and uremia or creatinemia or ionic alteration in 32 (30%) patients, without any difference in their prevalence and incidence in the two groups of stroke. In conclusion, in this prospective study of patients with an acute stroke, there was 23% of HI and 77% of AI, a high prevalence of previous stroke, heart disease and HTA, but only the previous stroke and, within heart disease, the atrial fibrillation were significantly more frequent in the AI group. Also, periferic vascular disease had a tendency to be more frequent in AI, as well as diabetes and HTA had in HI.
We performed a prospective study in 106 patients with acute stroke. The main purpose was to evaluate the associated diseases and to determine their prevalence and incidence in two different types of cerebrovascular disease: the intracerebral hemorrhage (HI) and ischaemic events (AI). The studied population included 54 men and 52 women with a mean age of 66.8 +/- 10.3 years. A clinical examination was performed in all patients by different specialists and all were submitted to diverse complementary tests, including a computed tomography scan of the brain (TAC) and an echocardiogram (ECO). We found 24 (23%) HI and 82 (77%) AI. In the past history, previous stroke were more prevalent in AI (p less than 0.01). Heart disease was present in 87 (82%) patients but, among them, only atrial fibrillation which was found in 19 (18%) patients, was significantly more frequent in AI (p less than 0.02). Hypertension (HTA) existed in 79 (75%) patients, respiratory complications and periferic vascular disease in 9 (8%), diabetes in 44 (42%) and dyslipidemia in 31 (29%) patients. No significant difference was found between the two groups of stroke regarding these diseases; however, there was a tendency for HTA and diabetes to be more prevalent in HI and for periferic vascular disease in AI. In the blood tests, high haematocrit was found in 35 (33%) patients, anemia in 21 (20%), hypercholesterolemia in 17 (16%), hypertrigliceridemia in 18 (17%) and uremia or creatinemia or ionic alteration in 32 (30%) patients, without any difference in their prevalence and incidence in the two groups of stroke. In conclusion, in this prospective study of patients with an acute stroke, there was 23% of HI and 77% of AI, a high prevalence of previous stroke, heart disease and HTA, but only the previous stroke and, within heart disease, the atrial fibrillation were significantly more frequent in the AI group. Also, periferic vascular disease had a tendency to be more frequent in AI, as well as diabetes and HTA had in HI.
Idioma: No aplica
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