Título: A cost-benefit evaluation of prenatal diagnosis performed at a referral center with a population with a genetic or abnormality risk.
Avaliação do custo/benefício do diagnóstico prénatal efectuado num centro de referĕncia numa população com risco genético ou malformativo.
Autores: Tomé, T; Núcleo de Diagnóstico Prénatal da Maternidade Dr. Alfredo da Costa, Lisboa.
Gaspar, G
Marques, A
Correia, J
Lacerda, A
Carreiro, H
Faustino, P
Ferreira, A
Rosa, D
Sing, C
Fecha: 1997-03-30
Publicador: Ordem dos Médicos
Fuente: Ver documento
Tipo: article
Tema: No aplica
Descripción: Prenatal diagnosis (PND) has assistencial, psychological and economical consequences; it is very important to evaluate cost effectiveness for the population. A prospective study was done (longitudinal and descriptive) on a population referred to Maternidade Dr. Alfredo da Costa, divided into two groups. Group one with PND performed on proper time and second group a PND procedure performed on a adequate time. The general characterization, indications for reference and consequences were evaluated. The conclusions are that the indications for reference were correct and the diagnosis was effective in 17% of patients. Social, economical levels and multiparity were the most important factors affecting adequate PND. However concerning the results, the termination of pregnancy was more performed on the group 1 and more abnormalities were seen on the newborns of group 2.
Prenatal diagnosis (PND) has assistencial, psychological and economical consequences; it is very important to evaluate cost effectiveness for the population. A prospective study was done (longitudinal and descriptive) on a population referred to Maternidade Dr. Alfredo da Costa, divided into two groups. Group one with PND performed on proper time and second group a PND procedure performed on a adequate time. The general characterization, indications for reference and consequences were evaluated. The conclusions are that the indications for reference were correct and the diagnosis was effective in 17% of patients. Social, economical levels and multiparity were the most important factors affecting adequate PND. However concerning the results, the termination of pregnancy was more performed on the group 1 and more abnormalities were seen on the newborns of group 2.
Idioma: No aplica
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