Título: Analysis of handgrip strength from elderly women: a comparative study among age groups.
Análise da força de preensão de mulheres idosas: estudo comparativo entre faixas etárias.
Autores: Pereira, Rafael; Laboratório de Fisiologia e Biocinética, Universidade de Iguaçu, Itaperuna, RJ, Brasil.
Cardoso, Brunna S
Itaborahy, Alex S
Machado, Marco
Fecha: 2011-12-12
Publicador: Ordem dos Médicos
Fuente: Ver documento
Tipo: article
Tema: No aplica
Descripción: The senior population has increasing recently and demanding greater attention due to of falling related to the reduction of muscle strength. The early falling risk identification has been prized by many countries and allows the implementation of preventive actions, such as the participation of physical activities, which have been considered a promising way to prevent the loss of muscle mass and strength. By this way, the present application intended to identify the handgrip profile, known as an important predictor of physical function, of Brazilian women of different ages. Eight-four women were divided into four age groups (20-27, 50-64, 65-74, and 75-86 years old) being made the comparison among the peak of handgrip strength. It was observed smaller values of handgrip strength (p >0.05) for age groups 50-64,65-74 and 75-86 years old when compared to age group 20-27 years old. It has been identified a negative correlation among age and the peak of handgrip strength (Spearman's Rho = -0,78, p > 0.05) which was associated to much smaller values of peak of handgrip strength between age group 75-86 years old compared to age groups 50-64, and 65-74 years old (p > 0.05). The results demonstrate a functional decline beginning at the fifth decade, which could guide preventive actions such as the incentive to a physical engagement in activity programs. It was suggested the development of other studies with a bigger sample which encloses other age groups and males.
The senior population has increasing recently and demanding greater attention due to of falling related to the reduction of muscle strength. The early falling risk identification has been prized by many countries and allows the implementation of preventive actions, such as the participation of physical activities, which have been considered a promising way to prevent the loss of muscle mass and strength. By this way, the present application intended to identify the handgrip profile, known as an important predictor of physical function, of Brazilian women of different ages. Eight-four women were divided into four age groups (20-27, 50-64, 65-74, and 75-86 years old) being made the comparison among the peak of handgrip strength. It was observed smaller values of handgrip strength (p >0.05) for age groups 50-64,65-74 and 75-86 years old when compared to age group 20-27 years old. It has been identified a negative correlation among age and the peak of handgrip strength (Spearman's Rho = -0,78, p > 0.05) which was associated to much smaller values of peak of handgrip strength between age group 75-86 years old compared to age groups 50-64, and 65-74 years old (p > 0.05). The results demonstrate a functional decline beginning at the fifth decade, which could guide preventive actions such as the incentive to a physical engagement in activity programs. It was suggested the development of other studies with a bigger sample which encloses other age groups and males.
Idioma: No aplica
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