Autores: "A. Delrobaee, ;
M. H. Mirdamadi, ;
M. T. Yasamy, ;
Y. Kheirish, ;
B. Mohabbati, ;
H. Delrobaie H. R. Jamaati", ;
Fecha: 2013-04-14
Publicador: Tehran University of Medical Sciences
Fuente: Ver documento
Tipo: Peer-reviewed Article
Tema: Medical informatics, teledentistry, remote medical consultation, healthcare,
Descripción: Telemedicine is an indispensable tool in the hands of doctors to accelerate and facilitate the process of data interchange. To publicize and distribute the culture of utilizing this technology and providing the necessary equipment for this purpose and also to commence some useful activities in this field of science in Iran, the researchers group have designed and performed a telemedicine internet site with the goal of medical consultation. Software was designed and prepared, which is accessible to three groups of users with definite level of access for each one: normal users, doctors and site administrators. There are four main forums on this website with the following titles: medical consultation (Q&A), doctors’ special forum, scientific and research centers and also special disease groups, and the forum of graduates and medical students. Ultimately, we could achieve a new horizon to expand telemedicine activities in the field of medical consultation. A free web-based system was developed through the address of www.teleteb.com with the aim of remote medical consultation, developing the public health services and creating a powerful scientific and research link in the society of medicine.
Idioma: No aplica