Título: Artificial Intelligence Research at the University of Maryland
Autores: Minker, Jack
Davis, Larry S.
Fecha: 1984-03-15
Publicador: Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence
Fuente: Ver documento
Tipo: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Tema: No aplica
Descripción: The University of Maryland's Computer Science Department conducts a broad research program in both theoretical and applied artificial intelligence. Nine faculty and more than fifty research associates and graduate students are involved in AI research. Projects are funded by a large number of government agencies, as well as by several major corporations. The computing environment will improve dramatically over the next several years, due in large part to Coordinated Experimental Research Department by the National Science Foundation in 1982. In addition to the research program in AI, the Department offers a large number of courses at both the graduate and undergraduate levels on all facets of AI. The principal AI laboratories also sponsor numerous colloquia by visiting scientists and permanent laboratory personnel. The principal research areas are computer vision, search and decision making, parallel problems solving, and database research.
Idioma: Inglés