Título: Calendario participativo y colaborativo para la ESPOL
Autores: Loor Guaycha, Andrés
Villacreses León, Paúl
Echeverría, Fabricio
Fecha: 2010-11-09
Fuente: Ver documento
Tipo: Article
Tema: Calendario,
Descripción: This project has developed a participatory calendar because it involves multiple users who are members of the academic units, which can create new or future events at ESPOL and report them quick and timely manner thereof, and is collaborative because the events can be modified by third parties from the community to improve, add or provide comments and ideas to the selected event. The online system allows any person to register and perform actions such as add, edit, comment and delete events, the event will be published after the administrator’s filter and it can send an automatic reminder via electronic mail to a friend when the day of the event arrives. The system has the background services Wordpress with source code modifications and additions to the Plugins and used Web 2.0 tools, specializing in search engine optimization (SEO) and Google Analytics to get a better positioning in search engines Internet and increase qualified traffic generation to implementation. We also carried out a test plan, which allowed about ten professionals from ESPOL to test the system and provide feedback on
Idioma: Español
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