Título: Sistema de Agrupamiento y Búsqueda de Contenidos de la Blogosfera de la ESPOL, Utilizando Hadoop como Plataforma de Procesamiento Masivo y Escalable de Datos
Autores: Avendaño, Allan
Abad, Cristina
Fecha: 2009-10-05
Fuente: Ver documento
Tipo: Article
Tema: Hadoop
Information Retrieval
Descripción: Nowadays, the proliferation of social networks on the Web enables the creation of networks of contacts and the establishment of reliable and digital collaboration spaces. This spaces provide new strategies for the dissemination of information generated by different institutions. The Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral has adapted the mechanism of blogging for the formation of a digital network consisting of the community members, and also as a means to disseminate information that the community generates. In this paper, we present an implementation of a system that allows to users to search entries within the ESPOL blogosphere.
Idioma: Español
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