Título: Advances in the biomedical applications of the EELA project.
Autores: Hernández, Vicente
Blanquer, Ignacio
Aparicio, Gabriel
Isea, Raúl
Chaves, Juan Luis
Hernández, Álvaro
Mora, Henry Ricardo
Fernández, Manuel
Acero, Alicia
Montes, Esther
Mayo, Rafael
Fecha: 2007-11-05
Publicador: SABER ULA
Fuente: Ver documento
Tema: Distribuciones autogravitantes
Centro Nacional de Cálculo Científico (CeCalCULA)
Corporación Parque Tecnológico de Mérida (CPTM)
Biomedical applications
E-Infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America (EELA)
Grid computing
Descripción: Advances in the biomedical applications of the EELA project. (Hernández, Vicente; Blanquer, Ignacio; Aparicio, Gabriel; Isea, Raul; Chaves, Juan Luis; Hernández, Álvaro; Mora, Henry Ricardo; Fernández, Manuel; Acero, Alicia; Montes, Esther y Mayo, Rafael) Abstract In the last years an increasing demand for Grid Infrastructures has resulted in several international collaborations. This is the case of the EELA Project, which has brought together collaborating groups of Latin America and Europe. One year ago we presented this e- infrastructure used, among others, by the Biomedical groups for the studies of oncological analysis, neglected diseases, sequence alignments and computational phylogenetics. After this period, the achieved advances are summarised in this paper.
risea@cecalc.ula.ve, lrisea@yahoo.com
Nivel monográfico
Idioma: Español