Título: Caracterização fitossociologica e pedologica de uma floresta ombrofila densa altomontana no parque estadual Pico do Marumbi - Morretes, PR
Autores: Rocha, Maria do Rocio Lacerda
Fecha: 2013-06-25
Fuente: Ver documento
Tipo: Dissertação
Tema: Ecologia florestal
Parque Estadual Pico do Marumbi (PR)
Comunidades vegetais - Mata Atlantica - Paraná
Comunidades vegetais - Morretes (PR)
Solos florestais - Mata Atlantica - Paraná
Mata Atlantica - Paraná
Mar, Serra do - Paraná
Descripción: This study presents the phytossociologic and soils characterization of a High Mountain Dense Ombrophylle Forest on Paraná Sea Range. The area of 2342 ha lies within the Pico do Marumbi State Park, between two summits denominated Gigante and Ponta do Tigre. This forest is also denominated cloud forest and represents a quarter of the whole Atlantic Forest, the most threatened ecossystems in the world. For the phytossociological survey of the arboreal community, randomly distributed rectangular parcels were used to evaluae density, frequency and dominance parameters and importance and cover values. The soils in the parcels were mapped. The most important species were Ocotea catharinensis, Ilex microdonta, Myrceugenia seriato-ramosa, Siphoneugena reitzii, Eugenia neomyrtifolia and Pimenta pseudocaiyophyllus. Myrtaceae were represented by 11 species, followed by Lauraceae and Aquifoliaceae, with 3 species each. The other families were represented by only one species. The total density was 4013 individuals/ha, and the total basal area was 35,24 m²/ha. Cambisol, yellow-red podzolic and organic soils were described. Humic gleysols were also found as inclusions, in accordance with the geomorphic variations. Through the interaction between phytossociologic and soil features, the parcels were separated in 3 groups. Group 1 occurred over mineral soils with epi-aquic characteristics, presenting low density and low basal area; Group II occurred over mineral soils with epihistic horizons and organic soils, presenting high density and low basal area; Group III occurred over an association of soils, presenting 10w density and high basal area. In relation to the floristic composition of the studied area, it is a mixture of species from the Mixed Ombrophylle Forest and the Mountain Dense Ombrophylle Forest, associated with typical species of the high mountain forest of Paraná Sea Range. Comparing the phytossociological results of 4 high mountain forests, the conclusion was that they are similar in respect of the physionomic and structural features, but with variations in floristic composition.
Idioma: Portugués