Título: The origins of the peasant agitation in Oudh : the awakening of the peasants?
Autores: Bennett, Leanne
Fecha: 1997
Fuente: Ver documento
Tipo: Thesis
Descripción: This thesis is an examination of the origins of peasant discontent and agitation in Oudh between 1917-22. The nature of the peasant cultivator situation under British rule, and the unofficial but pervasive system of exactions, both perennial and incidental, by the landlord are detailed. The origins and development of the Kisan Sabhas (peasant federations) demonstrate the peasants' ability to form groups independent of the aid of provincial or all-India figures or organizations. Two different groups of Kisan Sabhas developed in the United Provinces; one was led by political leaders from Allahabad and the other was organized by peasants. The second was originally based in Oudh and was chronologically earlier than that which developed in Allahabad. These two groups were eventually brought together and into the Indian National Congress' fold. Having examined the issues which led to peasant discontent, the organization of peasants into Kisan Sabhas and the role played by the Indian National Congress in relation to the peasants' cause, I argue that contrary to popular belief the beginnings of peasant agitation in Oudh were independent of the Indian National Congress.
Idioma: No aplica