Título: Program for Oral Health: Differences and meetings values knowledge and care.
Autores: Salas, Ana
Fecha: 2011-05-30
Publicador: Centro de Publicaciones Periódicas Electrónicas de la Universidad Nacional de Rosario
Fuente: Ver documento
Tipo: Article
Tema: oral health,biosecurity
Descripción: Health Education (HE) as a social practice directed to the population represents an important possibility to extend the landscape of the promotion of the health practice in the community. The HE's concept, where everybody is recognized as carriers of knowledge and, therefore allowed to liberate these potentials, supports that this type of practices should find the need for horizontality of the health programs, being opposed to the fragmentary and individual reductionist approach, generating integrity principles between health professionals and patients. The purpose of this study is to know about the care forms on the oral component of the health existing in students parents who could participate in an education program in relation to the selected sociodemographic variables. The educational level, which enables certain occupations, drew differences in protection references representations, making parents with more EL worrying about the application of the biosecurity measures that would be implemented in the program. The differences were shown in the minor EL groups in reference to the difficulties to support their and their family oral health.
Received: Dic.2010 Accepted: Abr.2011
Idioma: Inglés
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