Título: In the eye of the storm: convalescent companies and political-party strategies.
Autores: Lagiu, Efimia
Solero, Carlos
Tavella, Mirta
Valentino, Norma
Fecha: 2010-09-09
Publicador: Centro de Publicaciones Periódicas Electrónicas de la Universidad Nacional de Rosario
Fuente: Ver documento
Tipo: Article
Descripción: Our work puts forward some guidelines to understand the level of social conflict in the companies taken over by workers. By “level of conflict” we mean troublesome situations which cannot be characterized either as endogenous or exogenous without falling into a reductionism, since this would prevent us from grasping the complexity involved in the sociopolitical network of relationships within these companies. In particular, we emphasize the role of “post-neoliberal” state public policies and, at the same time, the action of the different movements grouping them, marked, as they are, with political and party goals, which brings about both fragmentation and anxiety to the worker groups and hinders their view of feasible efficient options.
Idioma: Inglés
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