Título: A extensão rural na perspectiva de agricultores assentados do Pontal do Paranapanema – SP
The extension from the perspective of the settler Pontal - SP
Autores: Taveira, Luis Renato Silva
Oliveira, Julieta Teresa Aier de
Fecha: 2010-05-02
Fuente: Ver documento
Tipo: Journal Article
Tema: rural settlement
analysis of multiple correspondences
Likert´s scale
Descripción: The policy of São Paulo State Government rural settlements, conducted by the Itesp Foundation, has its own technical assistance and rural extension service, brainstormed to attend its public specific demands. This article seeks to check if Itesp’s rural extension program satisfies its settled beneficiaries and if social-economic characteristics interfere in this individual judgment. The research was drawn at Santa Rosa and Rancho Grande settlements, Holy Rose and Big Ranch, respectively, both located at Paranapanema Pontal – SP, Unfortunate River Branch, according to native language. At first interviews concerning quality were conducted amongst settlers, selected intentionally to obtain evaluation parameters of ATER’s service. Elaborated with these results, a direct and objective questionnaire was applied to a larger random sample, from which individual appreciations were attained. The statistical analysis of multiple correspondences, followed by ascendant hierarchic classification, indicated the existence of seven homogenous settler groups, demonstrating the influence of social-economic traits in individual ratings. The existence of settlers both satisfied and unsatisfied with ATER’s service was noticed, which demands more flexible approaches by the Foundation towards divergent beneficiaries.
Idioma: pt