Título: Make Policy Science to Promote Agriculture Modernization; The Open Laboratory of National Agriculture Policy Formally Startup
Autores: Qian, Keming
Fecha: 2004-05-10
Publicador: AgEcon Search
Fuente: Ver documento
Tipo: Journal Article
Tema: Agricultural and Food Policy
Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies
Descripción: On October 16, 2003, the national agriculture policy open laboratory formally startup in the Institute of Agriculture Economics, Chinese Academy of Agriculture Sciences. The item to be formally established by China Department of Agriculture, Ministry of Finance and World Bank. The first help and support by the fourth technical assistance of World Bank,which has offered one million USD. The item will organize researchers of the Institute of Agriculture Economics, Chinese Academy of Agriculture Sciences. It will retain international and national famous agriculture economist and young agriculture policy analysis personnel, to form the high level of research team, set up the first agriculture economy and policy simulated laboratory in the world, and found a nation class agriculture policy analysis platform and decision support system.
Idioma: Chinese