Título: Action Research: Group Interaction in an ESP Class for Nursing Students
Action Research: Group Interaction in an ESP Class for Nursing Students
Autores: Chevez Herr a, Roxana
Fecha: 2009-07-01
Publicador: Universidad de Costa Rica
Fuente: Ver documento
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Tipo: info:eu-repo/semantics/article


Tema: lenguas modernas
trabajo en equipo, trabajo en parejas, inglés con fines específicos, verdaderos principiantes, dominio oral, group work, peer work, English for specific purposes, true beginners, oral proficiency
Descripción: This study examines the effects of different grouping techniques, regardless of the level of proficiency, in true beginners' oral ability in the target language. Statistical analysis revealed that the students benefit from lowproficiency subjects versus low-proficiency groups more than the other grouping techniques. Thus, this kind of group-work offers a powerful tool for the attainment of both English and basic skills and refutes the idea that mixed-language proficiency groups are expected to help students use the target language, as pointed out in some of the studies previously reviewed.
Idioma: eng