Título: Exact and Approximate Prefix Search under Access Locality Requirements for Morphological Analysis and Spelling Correction
Autores: Gelbukh,Alexander
Fecha: 2003-03-01
Publicador: Computación y Sistemas
Fuente: Ver documento
Tipo: journal article
Tema: prefix search
approximate prefix search
approximate string matching
morphological analysis
spelling correction
natural language processing
DNA computing
Descripción: A data structure useful for prefix search in a very large dictionary with an unlimited query string is discussed. This problem is important for morphological analysis of inflective languages, including particularly difficult cases such as German word concatenation or Japanese writing system that does not use spaces; similar tasks arise in DNA computing. The data structure is optimized for locality of access: to find all necessary records, access to only one block (page) of the main data storage is guaranteed, which significantly improves performance. To illustrate its usefulness, the algorithms of exact and approximate search are described, with application to morphological analysis and spelling correction. The algorithms for building, exporting, and updating the data structure are explained.
Idioma: Inglés
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