Título: Implementation for simplifying Bluetooth device connection methods
Autores: Wan, Tehyih Debbie, 1981-
Fecha: 2005-06-02
Publicador: Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Fuente: Ver documento
Tipo: Thesis
Tema: Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.
Descripción: This thesis provides a way for users to easily add and remove devices to secure groups, allowing for a more intuitive way of making connections between devices. These groups allow users to seamlessly make connections between their devices once devices are added to a group. Current models for sending data from device to device either involve proprietary cables and manufacturer-specific connectors or complex systems of PINs and passwords to authorize a user/device. In an environment where a user expects to be able to quickly send data between his mobile devices, the time it takes to initialize a connection should not be longer than the time it takes to send the data. The solution proposed in this thesis establishes a model using groups, with group owners and group members. Groups are identified using shared public and private key pairs. The group model establishes implicit trusted relationships between members of a group without having to explicitly authorize a member, simplifying and reducing the number of authenticated links a user must create between his devices.
by Tehyih Debbie Wan.
Thesis (M. Eng.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2004.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 63-64).
Idioma: Inglés
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