Título: Scheduling of Batch Processors in Semiconductor Manufacturing – A Review
Autores: Mathirajan, M.
Appa Iyer, Sivakumar
Fecha: 2003-11-29
Fuente: Ver documento
Tipo: Article
Tema: scheduling
batch processor
semiconductor manufacturing system
Descripción: In this paper a review on scheduling of batch processors (SBP) in semiconductor manufacturing (SM) is presented. It classifies SBP in SM into 12 groups. The suggested classification scheme organizes the SBP in SM literature, summarizes the current research results for different problem types. The classification results are presented based on various distributions and various methodologies applied for SBP in SM are briefly highlighted. A comprehensive list of references is presented. It is hoped that, this review will provide a source for other researchers/readers interested in SBP in SM research and help simulate further interest.
Singapore-MIT Alliance (SMA)
Idioma: Inglés
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