Título: A Web-based Question Answering System
Autores: Zhang, Dell
Lee, Wee Sun
Fecha: 2003-11-17
Fuente: Ver documento
Tipo: Article
Tema: question answering
information retrieval
search engine
web mining
Descripción: The Web is apparently an ideal source of answers to a large variety of questions, due to the tremendous amount of information available online. This paper describes a Web-based question answering system LAMP, which is publicly accessible. A particular characteristic of this system is that it only takes advantage of the snippets in the search results returned by a search engine like Google. We think such “snippet-tolerant” property is important for an online question answering system to be practical, because it is time-consuming to download and analyze the original web documents. The performance of LAMP is comparable to the best state-of-the-art question answering systems.
Singapore-MIT Alliance (SMA)
Idioma: Inglés
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