Título: Notas sobre osteopatología
Notas sobre osteopatología
Notas sobre osteopatología
Autores: Jaén, María Teresa
Fecha: 2010-04-20
Publicador: Instituto de Investigaciones Antropológicas
Fuente: Ver documento

Osteología; Paleopatología

Descripción: It is very interesting in Anthropology to know the phvsical characteristics of all living and past human populations. There are many ways to do this type of work but they are mainly based on normality and little attention is concentrated on the diseases that they had suffered in the past. This is a fascinating field in the phvsical anthropological sciences and it focuses the incidence of diseases whose traces can be found on the bones. This tvpe of investigation is of great importance not only to trace the antiquity of a particular disease, but the groups who have suffered it, how it manifested amons them and in what percentage. It is very well known that ihe incidence of a particular disease sometimes has something to do with genetics, environment and a particular racial-type and that is the principal subject of paleopathology.
En esta investigación se realiza una síntesis de las primeras paleopatologías halladas en huesos prehispánicos humanos; para identificar a algunas se basó en documentos antiguos escritos donde hay descripciones y tratamientos curativos, así también se ubica la enfermedad en el cuerpo y la frecuencia enla parte afectada.

Idioma: Español
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