Título: Student-Led Objective Tutorial (SLOT) in Medical Education
Autores: Sivagnanam, Gurusamy
Saraswathi, Simansalam
Rajasekaran, Aiyalu
Fecha: 1969-12-31
Publicador: Co-Action Publishing
Fuente: Ver documento
Tema: No aplica
Descripción: Purpose - To assess an innovative tutoring program named ‘Student-Led Objective Tutorial’ (SLOT) among undergraduate medical students. Method - The program was conceptualized by the Pharmacology Unit of Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Asian Institute of Medicine Science & Technology (AIMST), Malaysia and imple­mented in the middle of 2005. A cohort of 246 medical undergraduate students (spread across 5 con­secutive batches) participated. Following a brief explanation on the purpose and nature of SLOT, each batch was divided into small groups and was given a reading assignment on 4 previously delivered lecture topics. Each group was asked to prepare 3-5 multiple choice questions (MCQs) of their own in PowerPoint format to be presented, in turns, to the whole class on the day of SLOT. The proceedings were facilitated by 2 lecturers. Student feedback on the efficacy and benefits were assessed through an anonymous self administered questionnaire. Results - About 76% (188) of the students favored SLOT. The acceptance rate of SLOT was higher among males. There was no significant difference between batches in their opinions on whether to pur­sue SLOT in future. The most prevalent positive comment was that SLOT enhanced learning skills, and the negative comment being, it consumed more time. Conclusions - SLOT is a novel tutorial method which can offset faculty shortage with advantages like enhanced interest among teachers and learners, uniform reach of content, opportunities for group learn­ing, and involvement of visual aids as teaching-learning (T-L) method. SLOT unraveled the students’ potential of peer tutoring both inside as well as outside the classroom. Consumer tutors (students) can be tapped as a resource for SLOT for all subjects and courses in healthcare teaching. Keywords: novel teaching-learning (T-L) method, tutorial, self learning, small group learning, medical students, staff shortage
Idioma: Inglés
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