Título: A Plea for Health Manpower Training Through Distance Education
Autores: Dutta, P.K.
Jena, T.K.
Panda, S.K.
Fecha: 1969-12-31
Publicador: Co-Action Publishing
Fuente: Ver documento
Tema: No aplica
Descripción: To achieve the target of health for all by 2000 AD (HFA/2000), developing countries such as India need a proper perspective to implement health for all through a Primary Health Care approach and must develop a plan to achieve manpower needs. The present health institutional infrastructure is inadequate to meet this requirement. Distance education is a relatively new concept which not only has the ability to train a large number of health care workers in a short time in a cost effective way but can also attend to skills of health care without diluting the quality. The School of Health Sciences, IGNOU, is, at present, working on two health programs for nursing and medical personnel through distance education. Alternate models in distance education could also be envisioned to meet the immediate pressing needs.
Idioma: Inglés
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