Título: La jurisdicción de la Organización Mundial de Comercio
Autores: Bustamante Bustamante, Max Petronio
Fecha: 2011-07-20
Publicador: Universidad de las Américas
Fuente: Ver documento
Tipo: Thesis
Descripción: “La Jurisdicción de la Organización Mundial de Comercio”, es un análisis profundo en primer término de lo que es la jurisdicción en general, buscando definiciones de destacados juristas para llegar a una definición concreta de este componente del Derecho. Teniendo claro lo que significa y representa el término jurisdicción se procederá a analizar la “Organización Mundial de Comercio”; desde su génesis con el GATT, pasando por su estructura orgánica y sus principios fundamentales. Se presentará un énfasis especial en es “Sistema de Solución de Diferencias”, definiendo y comprendiendo sus diferentes etapas tales como: Consultas, Grupos Especiales y Órgano De Apelación. Esto para aclarar el comportamiento de la OMC cuando sus Miembros entran en una disputa, además de mostrar las virtudes y falencias del sistema. Con estas tres directrices se procederá al estudio de un caso particular “Salvaguardias impuestas por Estados Unidos a determinados productos de acero”, aquí se ampliará la concepción del “Órgano de Solución de Diferencias” y el funcionamiento de la OMC como una organización capaz de ayudar a los países en sus disputas y diferencias. Al final con las conclusiones y recomendaciones se determinará si la OMC tiene efectivamente una jurisdicción capaz de generar obligaciones a sus miembros a partir de sus resoluciones. Lo anexos contienen un informe del Grupo Especial sobre las medidas de salvaguardia definitivas sobre las importaciones de determinados productos de acero. Son las conclusiones a las que llegó el Grupo Especial respecto del caso particular en cual está involucrado Estados Unidos, además de ser contestaciones a los diferentes países reclamantes.
"The jurisdiction of the World Trade Organization", is a deep analysis in the first term of what is the jurisdiction in general, looking definitions of leading jurists to arrive at a specific definition of this component of the law. Taking it clear what it means and represents the term jurisdiction to proceed with the analysis of the "World Trade Organization"; from the genesis of the GATT, passing through its structure and its basic principles. There will be a special emphasis on "System of Settlement of Differences," defining and realizing their different stages such as: Consultations, panels and Appellate Body. This to clarify the behavior of the WTO when its Members came in a dispute, in addition to show the strengths and weaknesses of the system. With these three guidelines will proceed to the study of a particular case "Safeguards imposed by the United States to certain steel products", here will expand the design of the "body for the settlement of Differences" and the functioning of the WTO as an organization capable of assisting countries in their disputes and differences. At the end with the conclusions and recommendations will determine whether the WTO is actually a jurisdiction capable of generating obligations to its members from its resolutions. The annexs contain a Panel report on the definitive safeguard measures on imports of certain steel products. Are the conclusions reached by the Panel on the case in which is involved The United States, in addition to make replies to the different countries claimants. The second part of the annexes is composed of the degree of anti-dumping shrimp from Ecuador imposed by the United States. To identify as it is made a request of formation of an Ad Hoc Group, apart from the outcome of consultations, a summary of the facts, allegations and finally the findings and recommendations of the "Dispute Settlement Body". The overall objective of the thesis is: to determine the obligation and responsibility of the countries in terms of the compliance with resolutions of the Body of Settlement of Disputes. In addition to investigate and develop mechanisms for the settlement of differences in the WTO, determine the jurisdiction in the serving the World Trade Organization, establish penalties for failure to comply with resolutions of the WTO. The Method Historic is extremely important because it will analyze the historical evolution, the essential stages of their development, and the historical conditions fundamental purpose in study. In the development of this thesis is used the Analytical Method because it is extracted the elements that make up the work to study separately, analyzing among themselves, then it must develop the Synthetic Method by which will meet these elements studied separately earlier in order to compose a theory. As a result and conclusion of this thesis that see later will be that the WTO does not possess a jurisdiction itself, so that its judgments through the "Organ for resolving differences" (Panels and Appellate Body) do not generate obligations as such, but rather are mere recommendations, with which we can conclude that there is a requirement that the member countries punished assume their responsibility.
Idioma: Español
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