Título: Analysis of the Superstructure of a Designed Bus in Accordance with Regulations ECE R 66
Autores: K.Turgut GÜRSEL
Fecha: 2010-03-22
Fuente: Ver documento
Tipo: Peer-reviewed Article
Tema: No aplica
Descripción: Compliance with certain technical standards and requirements in designing and producing vehicles is necessary for vehicle  manufacturers. Within this scope, Regulation ECE R 66 – Large Passenger Vehicles - The Strength of the Superstructures – was studied in this investigation regarding the “Motor Vehicles Type Approval Directive”. A finite element model of the superstructure of a designed bus was created and analysed according to ECE R 66 requirements and the results were compared with the test results of a section of the bus superstructure.Key Words: Bus, Superstructure, Roll-over test, ECE R 66 Regulations, Finite element analysis 
Idioma: Inglés
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